Music at Mount Mercy

Continue to grow your musical skills, gain a personalized experience, 通过声乐或器乐合奏发挥你的才能, right here at Mount Mercy University.

Play your part, raise your voice

希尔是培养和扩大你的音乐视野的地方. 我们杰出的教师实践他们所教的,并在社会上有良好的联系, 将现实世界的经验和教训带到课堂上. 通过各种各样的表演机会来追求你的兴趣和发展你的才能. 


In one of our academic music programs

Earn up to $8k

In talent scholarships by joining an ensemble


In one of our many music ensembles

Music Talent Scholarships

所有专业都有丰厚的音乐奖学金 participating in a musical ensemble. Earn up to $8,000 by applying and setting up an audition. 入选全美音乐节的学生会自动收到 $5,000.

Instrumental ensembles

周三下午5:30-7:00 |对学生和社区开放

University Strings 是来自不同专业的学生聚集在一起演奏高质量的室内乐和管弦乐队音乐,代表了不同的风格, cultures, and eras. 会员资格是开放给Mount Mercy学生和社区成员,他们有兴趣在一个包罗万象的音乐体验中获得回报, welcoming environment.

周一7:00-8:30 PM,周三3:30-4:50 PM |对学生和社区开放 

大学乐队是由来自不同专业的学生聚集在一起演奏代表多种风格的高水平音乐会乐队和室内乐, cultures, and eras. 会员资格是开放给Mount Mercy学生和社区成员,他们有兴趣在一个包罗万象的音乐体验中获得回报, welcoming environment. 大学乐队在高中、社区和中西部地区巡回演出.


爵士乐队是开放给有兴趣体验各种爵士乐风格的专业学生, engaging in rehearsals with other talents, 参加校内和校外的年度演出.


Pep Band向所有大学乐队的学生开放,每年在3-4次活动中表演, 包括返校和不同的体育活动. 轻松的氛围为成员提供了表演各种古典和现代流行音乐的机会.

Rehearsals are arranged around student schedules.

室内乐的机会是提供给音乐家想要集中自己的才华,在一个小的同行合奏. 这个单独的小组学习为学生音乐家集体发展合作做准备, self-interpretation, and performance etiquette.

Rehearsals are arranged around student schedules. 

礼仪器乐师号召所有器乐音乐家每隔一个星期日在慈悲礼拜堂为他们的同行表演独奏. 我们还提供管风琴和钟的应用音乐课程,不收取任何额外费用 Liturgical Music Coordinator, Carolyn Sternowski. 欢迎所有木器和铜管乐器演奏家参加练习, increase your volunteer hours, and develop your solo etiquette. 

Vocal ensembles

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30-4:50 PM

大学合唱团欢迎所有来自任何专业或学科的学生在校园内外的音乐会表演各种各样的合唱文学作品. 要加入这个团体,不需要试镜. Oftentimes, 大学合唱团很高兴能与爱荷华管弦乐团合作演出,或者每年在州内外巡回演出. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30-3:20 PM

“爵士连接”是一支由14-16名海选歌手组成的声乐爵士乐团. 乐团演奏各种各样的爵士乐,配有音响系统和组合乐队的伴奏.

Show Choir (Voices Electric)是由30-40名音乐人才组成的歌舞表演团体. 在没有竞争压力的情况下,体验合唱团表演的乐趣. 合唱团每年在校园和当地的合唱比赛中表演两次. 

Rehearsals are arranged around student schedules. 

礼仪歌手允许感兴趣的独唱者在主日弥撒期间在慈悲礼拜堂表演. 学生如有兴趣分享他们的声乐才能,可与礼仪音乐协调员联络, Carolyn Sternowski. 欢迎所有声乐家参加练习, increase your volunteer hours, and develop your solo etiquette. 

Areas of study

Learn valuable skills from faculty, gain experience from recitals and internships, and 根据不同的职业选择来调整你的学位.

Whether you're interested in performance, administration, or using your passion to teach others, we have a program available for you. 
  • BA in Music (With an available tracks in Music Administration and Liturgical Music Ministry) 
  • BA in Music Education 
  • Minor in music (Available for non-music majors) 

我们的课程是灵活的,适合任何职业道路. Careers our music alumni have pursued include: 

  • Audio Producer 
  • Coordinator of Music Liturgy 
  • Music Therapist 
  • Recording Artist 
  • Sound Designer 

Beyond the classroom

提高您的技能,采取Mount Mercy的应用音乐课程,全年提供. Develop your musical abilities in piano, voice, 还有来自我们音乐系的管乐器和铜管乐器. 


Learn from talented professionals, including:

Mount Mercy hosts a variety of workshops, continuing education opportunities, and festivals each year. 

  • All-State Chorale Workshop (Summer) 
  • All-State Wind & Percussion Mock Audition Workshop (Fall) 
  • Kodály Institute (Summer) 

Meet our faculty and directors

Our welcoming faculty and staff are dedicated to designing programs and ensembles that cultivate your talents. 

Grow your potential

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